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About John 1:1 Ministry

John 1:1 Ministry is an independent non-denominational ministry, a non-profit faith based organization.  We are not registered as a 501c3 organization. Our founding fathers of our nation saw the importance of faith based organizations in setting the moral and religious standards for our nation, and they protected it under the First Amendment. Our authority comes from God alone.  

We are primarily an online ministry.  This allows us to reach out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally.   We also serve our local community as well as people in need all over the United States and around the globe. We will go where ever there is a need that God calls us to serve.  
John 1:1 Ministry and all who call themselves Christian have been given a great calling in 
Matthew 28: 18 - 20  "18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in Earth.  19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:  20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


We are also called to His service to be servants.

Matthew 20:"28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”  Galations 5:13"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."




There is one God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; who subsist in unity, and also as three separate distinct Persons (John 14:7–16Genesis 1:11:26–273:22Psalm 90:2Isaiah 40:28–29Matthew 28:191 Peter 1:22 Corinthians 13:14).


Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He was born of a virgin as both God and man, lived a sinless life, died to atone for the sins of human beings, was buried, arose from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will literally return to earth (Matthew 1:22–23Isaiah 9:653:5–6John 1:1–514:10–30Hebrews 4:14–151 Corinthians 15:3–4Romans 1:3–4Acts 1:9–111 Timothy 6:14–15Titus 2:13).


The Holy Spirit is the divine helper, assistant, counselor and instructor and His work is to reveal Christ, convict of sin, lead to repentance, guide believers, comfort, strengthen, and sanctify the soul (2 Corinthians 3:17John 16:7–1314:16–17Acts 1:81 Corinthians 2:123:16Ephesians 1:135:25Galatians 5:25).


The Bible is God’s Holy Word, without error, and is the sole authority for life (Psalm 119:105Romans 15:42 Peter 1:20–212 Timothy 3:16).


Human beings are the special creations of God, made in His image. They fell through the sin of the first man, Adam, and all human beings are sinners in need of salvation (Genesis 1:27Psalm 8:3–6Isaiah 53:659:1–2Romans 3:23).


Salvation is a gift through repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. Every person who truly is saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ and will spend eternity in heaven, while those who die in their sins will spend eternity in hell (Romans 6:23Ephesians 2:8–9John 14:61:12Titus 3:5Galatians 3:26Romans 5:1).


Baptism is by immersion after salvation and is done in obedience to Jesus Christ’s command (Matthew 3:15–17Acts 2:38)



Each believer has direct access to God through the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:14–167:19Ephesians 3:12).


The Church is a local body of baptized believers with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head (Matthew 16:18Acts 20:27–291 Corinthians 12:27–29Ephesians 1:21–233:20–224:1–35:21–27Colossians 1:17–19).



Our mission is to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us for His purpose, to grow the Kingdom of God that He may be Glorified.



Ministrica Teresa W Taylor

Ministrica Teresa Taylor je posvečena in v dobrem stanju prek Christian Global Outreach Ministries (ministrica #104546 dodeljena).  Tereza že vse življenje pozna Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa. Ko je bila stara le nekaj mesecev, ko je bila v naročju svoje babice, je pokazala na sliko in rekla "Jezus".   Odraščala je v baptistični cerkvi Brentwood v High Pointu. Obiskovala je številne druge denominacijske cerkve, vključno s katoliško, baptistično, metodistično, božjo cerkev in drugimi, vendar meni, da je baptistična cerkev Shiloh v Ramseurju, NC, svoj dom.


Tereza je 2. avgusta 1987 posvojila Jezusa Kristusa za svojega Odrešenika.  Januarja 2021 ji je Bog rekel, naj uredi svojo hišo.  Nato jo je 19. februarja 2021, ko je bila priča, kako so jo o Jezusu poučevali že iz njenih najzgodnejših spominov kot otroka, prekinil Bog in ji odločno rekel: "Nihče te ni učil, KLIcal sem te!"  Po 9 mesecih dela na njej ji je Bog pokazal, da jo je poklical k služenju.  Borila se je z Njegovim poklicem, ker so jo naučili, da ženske niso poklicane, da bi služile. Bog ji je pokazal, kako je bila ženska Marija Magdelena prva, ki se je odločil za oznanjevanje polnega evangelija njegovega vstajenja, ko ji je rekel, naj 'pojdi in povej' v Janezu 20:17.  Bog ji je pokazal, kako je bila vsa svoja leta že njegova služabnica, pri čemer jo je spomnil in razkril, kako je začela in vodila biblijske študije in molitvene skupine.  Osvetlil je spomine na to, kako je s svetopisemskimi nasveti, spodbudo in molitvijo služila ministrom. Pokazal ji je staro pismo, ki je bilo že več let izgubljeno in pozabljeno, od župnika, v katerem se ji je zahvalil za vpliv, ki ga je imela na njegovo službo in družino, ki je segalo vse do Cerkve v Indiji. Razkril je tudi, kako mu je bila zvesta, ko je služila Izraelskemu gibanju zvestih na Tempeljski gori, pa tudi, kako je lokalno služila in zagotavljala Sveto pismo tistim, ki je niso imeli, in jo spomnila na številne, ki ji jih je poslal za pomoč. Svoj klic v službo je zvesto sprejela 2. novembra 2021.  Bog jo je vodil, da je ustvarila službo po Janezu 1:1, ker je rekel, da se je tam začela njegova služba.  Vodil jo je, da je ustvarila ministrstvo na spletu, da bi izpolnila svoj klic iz Mateja 28:19–20: »Pojdite torej in naredite učence iz vseh narodov«.  Na spletni strani je začela delati 17. novembra 2021, začela pa jo je 1. decembra 2021 kot


S služabniškim srcem je Tereza svoje življenje posvetila služenju Gospodu Jezusu Kristusu in drugim. Ima diplomo iz družbenih ved in je 17 let služila kot namestnica šerifa.  Bog ji je dal moža popolnega zanjo, ko se ji je pridružil v zakonu z njenim možem Chadom Taylorjem. Čad je bil vir moči, podpore, spodbude in pomoči v njihovem domu, življenju in njeni službi.  Imata pet otrok; Crystal ~ 31 let (3 vnukinje ~ Alexis, Hailey in Payton),  Andrea ~ 21 let (zet Darrell Kidd), Joshua ~ 19 let,  David ~ 14 let,  in njihov angelski otrok Jožef (umrl je v maternici pri treh mesecih od trisomije 18).  Neuradno sta posvojila tudi dva sinova, Dariusa in Jefferyja.  Kot družina uživajo v vrtnarjenju, kampiranju, ribolovu in geocachingu.

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